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7 Steps To Form A Powerful MasterMind

7 Steps To Form A Powerful MasterMind

The Power of a Master Mind

No Great Power and Success can be achieved without The Power of the Mastermind”—Napoleon Hill

In one of the most legendary books, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill explicitly describes this concept of the Master Mind as “the coordination of knowledge and effort, in the spirit of Harmony between two or more people, for the purpose of attaining definite purpose”.

This principle that two heads is better than one always made so much sense to me, but it was not until I began to study the teachings of Eben Pagan, an online information product marketing Genius, that I really “GOT  IT”.   Once I learned how to build and participate in a Mastermind (with people FAR ahead of me in business)—it became one of the most profound ongoing business and personal experiences.

What is a MasterMind?

Eben describes it is a group of people that gets together on a regular basis to support each other and to help create success.   It is a dedicated group who share similar values, perspectives, and interests, and who understand that the power of the group mind is exponentially more powerful than the sum of the individual minds.

I recently participated in a Program series called “Connected”, coordinated and instructed by Eben Pagan and Dave Logan, communications expert and author of bestselling “Tribal Leadership” and “3 Laws of Performance”.   It was an incredible program about “How To Get Access to Anyone, And Build A Powerful, Profitable Business Network”.

One session in particular focused on the art of HOW to create a Mastermind the RIGHT way.

This information is GOLD and I am going to share with you the secrets that not only did I learn, but I have incorporated into my life… and has made a tremendous impact as I started my new business.

7 Steps on How To Start and Facilitate a MasterMind Group:

1.  Find 6 other people that YOU will help facilitate a Mastermind.  The key here is to find 6 people that are at least 3-5 years ahead of where you are now in business or in your personal life.  Remember, you are here to grow to new levels.

2.  Contact each of the key players you have in mind.  Tell them you are starting a MasterMind Group and that the group will meet once a week for 1 hour or 90 minutes in person.    It is important that you tell them you are the facilitator and will handle all the administrative nuts and bolts.    Members can just show up—hassle free.

3.  Ask a key player if they know someone who they would like to invite.  Once you have at least two confirmed Anchors (or strong players), then inviting the others will become easier just by mention the names and credentials of these people.

Consider forming MasterMinds in each area in your life—not just business; for example, start a group that will support your Physical health/fitness goals.  I have several mastermind groups.

4.  Set up the time/ location.  If your meetings are virtual, set up a free conference call number.  This is an amazing free service that will host and record your calls.

5.  Let everyone know what time the meeting begins and that you will wait until everyone shows up before you begin.  This will provide some accountability.  No one wants to be that person to hold the meeting up!

6.  Choose 1 person who will be the first person to go.  Have them state their biggest challenge, obstacle, or roadblock.  THEN state their biggest opportunity.

The rest of the group takes the full hour to brainstorm on how to help that person remove their obstacle and to take advantage of their opportunity.

7.  Rotate each week the group.  Each week ONE of the members is the FOCUS of the Brainstorming his/her biggest challenge and greatest opportunity.  Over a 13 week period, each member will have gone through the rotation twice (1 quarter).   In a one year time frame, each person will rotate through the group 8 times.

It is that simple.  Participating in a Master Mind could potentially be the best action you can take to create change, accelerate growth and success that you never thought possible.

One question that you may have is:  How are you contributing VALUE if everyone else is much more evolved and successful than you?

Remember you are the facilitator and organizer of the group.    You handle every detail (keep track of time, take notes, record the cal etc) that no one else wants to bother with—that is why they have not initiated a Mastermind.   Your contribution is to carefully select the TOP minds and to make sure the meetings run smoothly and hassle free.

The Benefit to you….

You will get to absorb and learn from the brightest minds– all focused on helping and brainstorming for the other members.   Not only will this provide a profound business education, you will experience personal growth just by surrounding yourself with people who are much more successful.

A key element here is to consciously connect and associate with people who are already there where you want to go. Every day we are influenced by our peers, advertisements, news media etc.  We are conditioned to think, act, and actually be what is happening all around us.

It has been said that you are a reflection of the average of your 5 closest friends.

Odds are that your financial status is the same as the average your 5 best friends.   Chances are that your weight is the same as the average of your 5 closest friends.

You literally become who you hang out with.  So if you want to become very successful in business, then start a mastermind group with people who are already successful and are making things happen.  They will PULL you up to new standards.

So here is your exercise:  Plan and execute your own MasterMind Group.

  1. Identify 10-12 people who are 3-5 years ahead of you that are sharp, proven, and highly successful.
  2. Call each person and tell them that you are starting a MasterMind and will be the facilitator.  Tell them you are handling all the nitty gritty details – they just show up with their brain power.
  3. Ask each person if they know someone who they would recommend to join the group.  Settle on 6 people not including you.
  4. Start the MasterMind sessions and experience your own personal evolution.

I hope this is helpful for you.  Please help out the community by commenting below and share your tips for facilitating a MasterMind.   Tell us what your experience has been and how you make it better.

To your Success,

Laura DeMeo

How To Be A Social Media Triathlete Superstar

The question is no longer, Are you using Social Media to market your business? It’s, How smart and effective is your Social Media strategy?

If you do not have a targeted Social Media plan in place or if you are just dabbling in social Media with no purpose or clear strategy, you are missing out on massive opportunities that could transform your business … and they are sitting right in front of you.

If you’re like most people, you know that social marketing is an essential component to the growth of your business, but you may feel completely overwhelmed, confused, or even lost when it comes to actually implementing it.

This is so understandable! Social Media is changing so fast. New things are thrown at us every day and it truly is nearly impossible to keep up!  Unless this is your specialty, you just don’t have the time to figure it all out on your own.

The reality is that your competitors, clients, and prospects have already caught on to the social media movement and are surging ahead, passing you by as your business remains stagnant or possibly treading water because you are still stuck on ways to get started.

Imagine making a few simple shifts in your business…and, over the next several months, having a thriving business—where customers seek you out because they want to do business with you.

Would you like to get hundreds of new customers without spending a lot of your time and money– just by word of mouth…from people who already know, like, and trust you?

What about your very own social media road map that cuts through all the noise and gets results for you—no question. Would you like that?

Who wouldn’t, right? Well, it is completely within your grasp—no matter how shaky your social media foundation is right now.

The Solution:

You can now gain access to my exclusive, free, 3-part Social Media Triathlon video series that will literally catapult your business to unchartered levels of success–if you follow its training.

In this series, I give you the most comprehensive training on the big three social networking sites: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.  It has everything you need to know to start generating  results.

I give you soup-to-nuts instruction on the basics of getting started all the way through implementing a strategy for building a powerful business.

Over the past couple of months, I have gone to extremes to synthesize an extraordinary amount of information that would make anyone’s head spin… and distill it into digestible chunks so you can understand it and take action now. The most techno-phobic business owner can get this!!

I truly am so excited to share this training series with you because I know how much it will help transform your business.  As you get to know me, you’ll realize that I give 100 % to everything I do and with purpose.  That’s how I’ve managed to race in Ironman triathlons and qualify to compete in the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii

This 3-part Social Media triathlon series is no different.

Special “Live” Bonus presentation with LinkedIn expert, Lewis Howes, shows how to build 6-figure income using Linkedin

I have to say, I REALLY raised the bar with the special LinkedIn presentation you get. LinkedIn expert, Lewis Howes, agreed to provide an EXCLUSIVE training just for my audience alone and I have to say, this is truly a special gift! I am not kidding when I say there is a waiting list of those wanting to hear how he built a 6-figure income using LinkedIn alone… and how you can too!  I can assure you he doesn’t hold back any information!

How This Social Media Triathlon Series Directly Helps You

Here are a few highlights from the training. Learn:

Twitter Domination:

  • How to build a powerful network by capitalizing on the 100 million-plus Twitter users so you establish yourself as an authority in your field;
  • How to avoid the top 10 Mistakes rookies on Twitter make that cost you business;
  • How to use Twitter to drive massive traffic to your website and increase lead generation and sales;
  • Five specific tools to manage and automate your business on Twitter without spending more time and money;
  • How to get your people to spread your business through word of mouth marketing
  • How to set up and optimize your profile and craft a killer bio, using key-rich words for brand positioning;
  • How to build your credibility and reputation by becoming an editorial source;
  • How to create and use Twitter Lists to connect with your top influential people
  • How to get started today with an action plan so you start seeing results

Facebook Marketing Goldmine:

  • Learn how to leverage the largest social networking site in the world—with 500 million other users;
  • Understand the social media mindset and see how knowing this will accelerate your success and separate you from the pack;
  • Learn how to capitalize on the latest changes on Facebook, which are fundamentally transforming how we communicate on the internet;
  • Get the most up-to-date, cutting edge information that most people don’t know for converting prospects to customers;
  • Learn to create and maximize your profile the right way, using key-rich words so you get noticed and increase your search engine rankings;
  • Distinguish the difference between personal profile, groups, and fan page and why having a fan page is essential… and why there is no more reason to have groups;
  • Learn the 7 specific steps to setting up a compelling fan page so you can start getting results today;
  • Learn 13 specific ways to promote your fan page that will result in exponential growth of your fan base
  • Learn how to add friends the right way so you build lasting relationships that may turn into customers and/ or strategic partners;
  • Learn how to use Facebook “applications” to customize your fan page that will drive more traffic back to your site;
  • Learn how to manage your network by creating “friends lists” so you stay focused, organized and on the radar of the top of the most important people;
  • Understand the importance of the news feeds and the psychological impact it has own buying decisions and how you can benefit;
  • Learn why the new “Like” Button alone can put cash in your pocket through the power of social proof
  • How to filter out the noise in the newsfeeds–especially vital once you build a large network;
  • Discover where to look for premium content that no one else is doing to strengthen your brand–so people keep coming back for more;
  • Discover what Facebook’s new open “Social Graph” is and what it means for your business–hint:  it has everything to do with your bottom line;
  • How to get started now with an action plan so you start seeing results today.

Mastering LinkedIn:

  • Get an exclusive training with speaker, author, and top LinkedIn expert, Lewis Howes, on LinkedIn- the largest professional network site in the world;
  • Learn how to position yourself as an expert on LinkedIn and build a 6-figure income from LinkedIn alone;
  • Learn how to get at the top of Google’s search-engine rankings by optimizing your profile using key words in 5 strategic places;
  • Learn to create Groups on LinkedIn, the single most important, profit generating features on Linkedin.  Lewis Howes attributes this strategy to his building a list of 27,000 people and forming several top businesses in the sports industry;
  • Learn how to use LinkedIn applications to increase your exposure and visibility online and drive traffic to your site.
  • Learn how to build a powerful professional network by creating events—a strategic tool that is often overlooked and is a key ingredient to steady business growth;
  • Learn how to indentify targeted connections and influential contacts on LinkedIn that may lead to new clients and potential, lasting partnerships;

As you see, I’ve created and designed a Social Media program that is packed with high-quality information designed specifically to get you started now; seeing results; and achieving your goals!

All you have to do to receive this training is put your name and email in the Opt-in box.  I will send you this exclusive social media video training series…and it is yours to keep!

I would also LOVE your feedback.  Please comment below and let me know how this has helped you.  And please share this post with others who could also benefit!

To your unstoppable success,

Laura DeMeo

Watchung Winter Ultra Run (35 Mile): A Blistering Cold Adventure!

It was Friday night, the night before my 50K (plus bonus miles) Winter Ultra marathon on the Watchung reservation in North/ Central New Jersey.    I could not sleep at all because I was so concerned about the bitter cold temperatures.  (I have issues with my circulation where my fingers turn white and numb when I get cold!) The usual remedy is running my fingers under HOT water!


Napa Valley Trip: Wine Review

This review was written by Jon Brodsky, Wine Aficionado (an informal, detailed –yet entertaining summary of the wineries we visited)

Some notes on our trip to Napa / Sonoma this past week.  This is heavily wine oriented and going out to a few friends who I thought might appreciate it and possibly benefit by it on future visits themselves.  It is somewhat detailed.
